Monday, August 26, 2013

Lesson 1.1.1


First published Dec 27, 2012

Feeling the effects of too much Christmas socializing and not enough sleep today!  Alas, reality strikes at some point.  I have ten assignments to complete before the end of January, not to mention regular life to contend with.  So nose back to the grindstone!

While the previous course was all airy, "lets get to know each other and talk about our feelings"; this course is a reality check!  Specifics are dealt out, and precision is required.  I have my work cut out for me then!  I had to paint up a hundred paint chips, or so it felt like, to get the right tones for my Grey Scale Tool.  I am meant to add a title and numbers to the page, but I like it in it's original form for now.  I am studying the tonal chords and key of hues.  Minor chord is a range of tones 3 or less on the tonal scale and a major chord is a range or tones 5 or more on the tonal scale.  You end up with high minor key, high major key, intermediate minor key, intermediate major key, low minor key, low major key.  See - I told you it was technical.  I don't have anything creative to show this time around, but here are some pictures to show the progress.

Enoy your Christmas break!

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