Ah, what is Rome if you don't overdo it? The ancient Romans went over the top with their feasts, and buildings and taking over the world. We overdid it with sightseeing. Well, I did at least. The others were sensible to cut the sightseeing into two days. I wanted to get the sights over with so I could relax one day before flying home. (More on that in the next day's post.)
Back to my story. We hit up the Colosseum in the morning. We bought tickets on one of those tourist open air bus dealies... you know, when in Rome and all! ... Anyway, it was a cooker of a day, and sitting on top of the bus, you had some idea of what it would feel like to be a meatball in a frying pan. By the time we reached the Colosseum, we were feeling slightly well done.
Peddlers were peddling their wares as soon as we disembarked off the bus... and thank you, I will take that pink umbrella for €5. Best money spent on the trip! We snuck into the Colosseum by paying €20 to a guide that would skip us straight to the beginning of the line. Again, money well spent. Despite the temperature in the high 30s, it didn't take away from the awesomeness of the Colosseum. To imagine them building it almost 2000 years ago, with the tools of the day, and the crowds attending the insane events they held there... it really is amazing.
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