Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Brendan Fraser on Film

"I'm hanging onto my 35mm like an M6 - you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead knuckles. But the reality is that now everything is digital... it's the difference between taking one shot and getting it, and taking many of them, sort of spraying shots, and hoping there's something there. Photography, in my humble view, is becoming a lost art. I've been to photo shoots with prominent photographers who have assistants working for them who don't know what an f-stop is. It's true. They just know you press the automatic button and it goes."

Brendan Fraser, actor, in Famous magazine, January 2010

1 comment:

DV said...

Same! However, he has a new movie out, Extraordinary Measures, which looks really good. Google it to check it out...