First published March 2, 2012
I am now an open-face toastie convert with the switch over to Tasmanian Camembert. I usually have closed-face toasties as per Bill Granger... tomatoes soaked in garlic and olive oil... then pile on bread with cheese, basil, cover with another piece of bread and toast both sides in butter in a fry pan. This method is slighly easier. It used to be made with cheddar cheese... but the cheese ended up sweaty, and gritty in texture... bringing back bad memories of cheese sandwiches in a lunchbox! (I've always been a food snob!) Since switching to the melt-y Camembert, I've not looked back!
Method is: toast bread... on a cast iron grill makes the bread especially tasty. While it's toasting, slice Camembert, tomatoes and shred basil. Removing toast, brush bread with olive oil and work in with a garlic clove sliced in half (cut side down to infuse the flavor!). Add cheese, and put back on grill. (Ensure grill is turned off... you want to melt the cheese in the residual heat.) Once cheese is melted slightly, add tomatoes, basil, then sprinkle with a touch of extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Lunch... yum!
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