Happy 7th Anniversary to Dustin and Tracey today. I can't believe 7 years has passed so quickly... I remember shooting the wedding like it was yesterday - but it was actually back in the days of my old Pentax camera! So I guess some things have changed! Tracey has an adorable blog, My House of Giggles. She has a knack for transforming vintage furniture into usable pieces for her family home. And LOVE her paintings. I wish I could paint like that... but can't even sketch to save my life... so have to settle for expressing myself technically through photography!
awwww...Donna....thanks for this sweet post! Isn't it amazing how fast time flies? seriously. That really does feel like yesterday!
Thanks for saying such nice things about my paintings :) But seriously....your photos are so amazing! I'm hooked on those cherry blossoms from a month or two ago. You captured them perfectly!
Hope you're enjoying the gorgeous sunny weather today! I'm sitting outside right now :) sipping Limonata :)
ps....thinking about you missing your mom today. :( *hugs*
I painted some cherry blossoms in the fall, and they're really pathetic! Your cherry blossom painting is what I was aiming for myself, haha. That's why I went mad with the camera this spring! I'm going to do a 16x20 canvas of the cherry blossoms once I get back from Europe. Your cherry blossom painting is what I was aiming for.
Yes, missing my mom a little today.
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